P04 Prof. Dr. Liedtke/Dr. Nevzorova
Therapie der Leberfibrose durch Inhibition des Cyclin E1/Cdk2 Kinase Komplexes
Ziel des Projekts ist die Hemmung von Leberfibrose durch Zellzyklus-Inhibition pro-fibrotischer Zellen (Hepatischen Sternzellen (HSC); Immunzellen). Leberfibrogenese ist mit erhöhter Aktivität des Zellzyklusproteins Cyclin E1 assoziiert. Die Funktion von Cyclin E1 in der alkoholischen Lebererkrankung, die einen wichtigen Risikofaktor für Leberfibrose darstellt, soll untersucht und die Rolle von Cyclin E1 in Immunzellen für Fibrose-Entstehung charakterisiert werden. Durch HSC-spezifische Applikation eines Cdk Inhibitors soll eine neue anti-fibrotische Behandlungsstrategie entwickelt werden. [...]
- Cubero F. J. , Mohamed M. R., Woitok M. M., Zhao G., Hatting M., Nevzorova Y. A., Chen C., Haybaeck J., de Bruin A., Avila M. A., Boekschoten m. V., Davis R. J., Trautwein C. (2020): Loss of JNK1/2 function in liver epithelial cells triggers biliary hyperprolif eration resembling cholangiocarcinoma. Hepatol Commun., 4(6), 834-851, [0.800]
- Hübbers A. , Hennings J., Lambertz D., Haas U., Trautwein C., Nevzorova Y. A., Sonntag R., Liedtke C. (2020): Pharmacological Inhibition of Cyclin dependent Kinases Triggers Anti-Fibrotic Effects in Hepatic stellate cells in vitro. International Journal of Molecular Science, 21(9), 3267, [4.183]
- Tomás-Loba A. , Manieri E., González-Terán B., Mora A., Leiva-Vega L., Santamans A. M., Romero-Becerra R., Rodríguez E., Pintor-Chocano A., Feixas F., López J. A., Caballero B., Trakala M., Blanco Ó., Torres J. L., Hernández-Cosido L., Montalvo-Romeral V., Matesanz N., Roche-Molina M., Bernal J. A., Mischo H., León M., Caballero A., Miranda-Saavedra D., Ruiz-Cabello J., Nevzorova Y. A., Cubero F. J., Bravo J., Vázquez J., Malumbres M., Marcos M., Osuna S., Sabio G. (2019): p38γ is essential for cell cycle progression and liver tumorigenesis. Nature, 568(7753), 557-560, [43.070]
- Liao L. , Schneider K. M., Galvez E. J. C., Frissen M., Marschall H.-U., Su H., Hatting M., Wahlström A., Haybaeck J., Puchas P., Mohs A., Peng J., Bergheim I., Nier A., Hennings J., Reißing J., Zimmermann H. W., Longerich T., Strowig T., Liedtke, C., Cubero F. J., Trautwein C. (2019): Intestinal dysbiosis augments liver disease progression via NLRP3 in a murine model of primary sclerosring cholangitis. Gut, 68, 1477-1492, [17.160]
- Sonntag R. , Giebeler N., Nevzorova Y. A., Bangen J. M., Fahrenkamp D., Lambertz D., Haas U., Hu W., Gassler N., Cubero F. J., Müller-Newen G., Abdallah A. T., Weiskirchen R., Ticconi F., Costa I. G., Barbacid M., Trautwein C., Liedtke C. (2018): Cyclin E1 and Cyclin-dependent kinase 2 are critical for initiation, but not for progression of hepatocellular carcinoma. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 115, 9282-9287, [9.580]
- Lamas-Paz A. , Hao F., Nelson L. J., Vázquez M. T., Canals S., Gómez del Moral M., Martínez-Naves E., Nevzorova Y. A., Cubero F. J. (2018): Alcoholic liver disease: Utility of animal models. World J Gastroenterol, 24(45), 5063-5075, [3.365]
- Guo F. , Zheng K., Benede-Ubieto R., Cubero F. J., Nevzorova Y. A. (2018): The Lieber-DeCarli Diet-A Flagship Model for Experimental Alcoholic Liver Disease. Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 42, 1828-1840, [3.183]
- Ehedego H. , Mohs A., Jansen B., Hiththetiya K., Sicinski P., Liedtke C., Trautwein C. (2018): Loss of Cyclin E1 attenuates hepatitis and hepatocarcinogenesis in a mouse model of chronic liver injury. Oncogene, 37, 3329-3339, [6.854]
- Cubero F. J. , Peng J., Liao L., Su H., Zhao G., Zoubek M. E., Macias-Rodriguez R., Ruiz-Margain A., Reissing J., Zimmermann H. W., Gassler N., Luedde T., Liedtke C., Hatting M., Trautwein C. (2018): Inactivation of caspase 8 in liver parenchymal cells confers protection against murine obstructive cholestasis. J Hepatol, 69, 1326-1334, [18.946]
- Hao, F. , Cubero, F.J., Ramadori, P., Liao, L., Haas, U., Lambertz, D., Sonntag, R., Bangen, J.M., Gassler, N., Hoss, M., Streetz, K.L., Reissing, J., Zimmermann, H.W., Trautwein, C., Liedtke, C., Nevzorova, Y.A. (2017): Inhibition of Caspase-8 does not protect from alcohol-induced liver apoptosis but alleviates alcoholic hepatic steatosis in mice. Cell Death & Disease, 8 (10), [5.378]
- Bangen, J.M. , Hammerich, L., Sonntag, R., Baues, M., Haas, U., Lambertz, D., Longerich, T., Lammers, T., Tacke, F., Trautwein, C., Liedtke C. (2017): Targeting CCl4 -induced liver fibrosis by RNA interference-mediated inhibition of cyclin E1 in mice. Hepatology, 66 (4), 1242-1257, [13.246]
- Cubero, F. J. , Zoubek, M., Hu, W., Peng, J., Zhao, G., Nevzorova, Y. A., Al Masaoudi, M. , Bechmann, L., Boekschoten, M., Muller, M., Preisinger, C., Gassler, N., Canbay, A., Luedde, T., Davis, R., Liedtke,C., Trautwein, C. (2017): Combined Activities of JNK1 and JNK2 in Hepatocytes Protect Against Toxic Liver Injury. Gastroenterology, 150(4), 968–981, [18.187]
- Zheng K. , Cubero F.J., Nevzorova Y.A. (2017): c-MYC-Making Liver Sick: Role of c-MYC in Hepatic Cell Function, Homeostasis and Disease. Genes, 8(4), 123, [3.242]
- Sevelsted Møller L , Fialla AD, Schierwagen R, Biagini M, Liedtke C, Laleman W, Klein S, Reul W, Koch Hansen L, Rabjerg M, Singh V, Surra J, Osada J, Reinehr R, de Muckadell OB, Köhler R, Trebicka J. (2016): The calcium-activated potassium channel KCa3.1 is an important modulator of hepatic injury. Scientific Reports, 6, 28770, [5.228]
- Nevzorova, Y. A. , Cubero F.J., Hu W., Hao F., Haas U., Ramadori P., Gassler N., Hoss M., Strnad P., Zimmermann H.W., Tacke F., Trautwein C., Liedtke C. (2016): Enhanced expression of c-myc in hepatocytes promotes initiation and progression of alcoholic liver disease. J Hepatology, 64(3), 628-40, [11.340]
- Guldiken N. , Ensari G.K., Lahiri P., Couchy G., Preisinger C., Liedtke C., Zimmermann H.W., Ziol M., Boor P., Zucman-Rossi J., Trautwein C., Strnad P. (2016): Keratin 23 is a general stress-inducible marker of mouse and human ductular reaction in liver disease. Journal of Hepatology, 65(3), 552–559, [10.590]
- Cubero, F. J. , Zoubek ME, Hu W, Peng J, Zhao G, Nevzorova YA, Al Masaoudi M, Bechmann LP, Boekschoten MV, Muller M, Preisinger C, Gassler N, Canbay AE, Luedde T, Davis RJ, Liedtke C, Trautwein C. (2016): Combined activities of JNK1 and JNK2 in hepatocytes protect against toxic liver injury.. Gastroenterology, Apr;150(4), 968-81, [18.187]
- Nevzorova, Y. A. (2015): Partial hepatectomy in mice.. Lab Anim, [1.553]
- Idrissova, L. , Malhi H., Werneburg N.W., LeBrasseur N.K., Bronk S.F., Fingas C., Tchkonia T., Pirtskhalava T., White T.A., Stout M.B., Hirsova P., Krishnan A., Liedtke C., Trautwein C., Finnberg N., El-Deiry W.S., Kirkland J.L., Gores G.J. (2015): Trail receptor deletion in mice suppresses the inflammation of nutrient excess. Journal of hepatology.. J Hepatology, 62(5), 1156-63, [10.590]
- Hatting, M. (2015): Lack of gp130 expression in hepatocytes attenuates tumor progression in the den model.. Cell death & disease, [5.010]
- Cubero, F. J. (2015): Haematopoietic cell-derived jnk1 is crucial for chronic inflammation and carcinogenesis in an experimental model of liver injury.. J Hepatology, [11.340]
- Weiskirchen, R (2015): Supplement to “Lipocalin-2 (LCN2) regulates PLIN5 expression and intracellular lipid droplet formation in the liver.”. World Biomed Front, (Section Diabetes and Obesity),
- Lunova, M. , Trautwein, C., Nahon, P., Strnad, P. (2015): Hepcidin in chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma: The plot thickens. J Hepatol, 62, 979-980, [10.590]
- Guldiken, N. , Zhou, Q., Kucukoglu, O., Rehm, M., Levada, K., Gross, A., Kwan, R., James, L. P., Trautwein, C., Omary, M. B., Strnad, P. (2015): Human keratin 8 variants promote mouse acetaminophen hepatotoxicity coupled with JNK activation and protein adduct formation.. Hepatology, , in press, [11.050]
- Guldiken, N. , Usachov, V., Levada, K., Trautwein, C., Ziol, M., Nahon, P., Strnad, P. (2015): Keratins 8 and 18 are type II acute-phase responsive genes overexpressed in human liver disease.. Liver Int, 35, 1203-1212, [4.850]
- Berres, M. L. , Asmacher, S. S., Lehmann, J., Jansen, C., Görtzen, J., Klein, S., Meyer, C., Strunk, H. M., Fimmers, R., Tacke, F., Strassburg, C. P., Trautwein, C., Sauerbruch, T., Wasmuth, H. E., Trebicka (2015): CXCL9 is a prognostic marker in patients with liver cirrhosis receiving transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt.. J Hepatol, 62(2), 332-339, [11.370]
- Tolba, R. H. , Kraus, T., Liedtke, C., Schwarz, M., Weiskirchen, R. (2015): Diethylnitrosamine (DEN)-induced carcinogenic liver injury in mice.. Laboratory Animals, 49(1), 59-69, [1.553]
- Scholten, D. , Trebicka, J., Liedtke, C., Weiskirchen, R. (2015): The carbon tetrachloride model in mice.. Laboratory Animals, 49(1), 4-11, [1.553]
- Boaru, S. G. , Borkham-Kamphorst, E., Van de Leur, E., Lehnen, E., Liedtke, C., Weiskirchen, R. (2015): NLRP3 inflammasome expression is driven by NF-kB in cultured hepatocytes.. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 458, 700-706, [2.300]
- Kaldenbach, M. , Cubero, F.J., Erschfeld, S., Liedtke, C., Trautwein, C., Streetz, K. (2014): Hepatic tissue environment in nemo-deficient mice critically regulates positive selection of donor cells after hepatocyte transplantation.. PLoS One, 9 (6), e100786, [3.057]
- Berger, K. , Bangen, J. M., Hammerich, L., Liedtke, C., Floege, J., Smeets, B., Moeller, M. J. (2014): Origin of regenerating tubular cells after acute kidney injury.. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 111(4), 1533-1538, [9.423]
- Asimakopoulou, A. , Borkham-Kamphorst, E., Henning, M., Yagmur, E., Gassler, N., Berger, T., Mak, T. W., Weiskirchen, R. (2014): Lipocalin 2 (LCN2) regulates OXPAT expression and intracellular lipid droplet formation in the liver.. BBA Mol Cell Biol Lipids, 1841 (10), 1513-1524, [4.779]
- Tacke, F. , Roderburg, C., Benz, F., Cardenas, D. V., Luedde, M., Hippe, H. J., Frey, N., Vucur, M., Gautheron, J., Koch, A., Trautwein, C., Luedde, T. (2014): Levels of Circulating miR-133a Are Elevated in Sepsis and Predict Mortality in Critically Ill Patients.. Critocal Care Medicine, 42(5), 1096-1104, [7.422]
- Kucukoglu, O. , Guldiken, N., Chen, Y., Usachov, V., Elheliebi, A., Haybaeck, J., Denk, H. W., Trautwein, C., Strnad, P. (2014): High-fat diet triggers Mallory-Denk body formation via misfolding and crosslinking of excess keratin 8.. Hepatology, 60 (1), 169-178, [11.711]
- Koch, A. , Zimmermann, H. W., Gassler, N., Jochum, C., Weiskirchen, R., Bruensing, J., Buendgens, L., Dückers, H., Bruns, T., Gerken, G., Neumann, U. P., Adams, D. H., Trautwein, C., Canbay, A., Tacke, F. (2014): Clinical relevance and cellular source of elevated soluble urokinase plasminogen activator receptor (suPAR) in acute liver failure.. Liver International, 34(9), 13301339, [4.470]
- Granzow, M. , Schierwagen, R., Klein, S., Kowallick, B., Huss, S., Linhart, M., Mazar, I. G., Görtzen, J., Vogt, A., Schildberg, F. A., Gonzalez-Carmona, M. A., Wojtalla, A., Krämer, B., Nattermann, J., Siegmund, S. V., Werner, N., Fürst, D. O., Laleman, W., Knolle, P., Shah, V. H., Sauerbruch, T., Trebicka, J. (2014): Angiotensin-II type 1 receptor-mediated Janus kinase 2 activation induces liver fibrosis. Hepatology, 60(1), 334-348, [11.711]
- Ehling, J. , Bartneck, M., Wie, X., Gremse, F., Fech, V., Möckel, D., Baeck, C., Hittatiya, K., Eulberg, D., Luedde, T., Kiessling, F., Trautwein, C., Lammers, T., Tacke, F. (2014): CCL2-dependent infiltrating macrophages promote angiogenesis in progressive liver fibrosis.. Gut, 63(12), 1960-71, [14.921]
- Buendgens, L. , Bruensing, J., Matthes, M., Dückers, H., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F., Koch, A. (2014): Administration of proton pump inhibitors in critically ill medical patients is associated with increased risk of developing Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea. Journal of Critical Care, 29(4), 696, [2.445]
- Bartneck, M. , Peters, F. M., Warzecha, K. T., Bienert, M., van Bloois, L., Trautwein, C., Lammers, T., Tacke, F. (2014): Liposomal encapsulation of dexamethasone modulates cytotoxicity, inflammatory cytokine response, and migratory properties of primary human macrophages.. Nanomedicine, 10(6), 1209-1220, [5.671]
- Baeck, C. , Wie, X., Bartneck, M., Fech, V., Heymann, F., Gassler, N., Hittatiya, K., Eulberg, D., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2014): Pharmacological inhibition of the chemokine C-C motif chemokine ligand 2 (monocyte chemoattractant protein 1) accelerates liver fibrosis regression by suppressing Ly-6C+ macrophage infiltration in mice.. Hepatology, 59(3), 1060-1072, [11.711]
- Wehr, A. (2014): Pharmacological Inhibition of the Chemokine CXCL16 Diminishes Liver Macrophage Infiltration and Steatohepatitis in Chronic Hepatic Injury.. PLoS One, 9 (11), [3.050]
- Hammerich, L. , Bangen, J. M., Govaere, O., Zimmermann, H. W., Gassler, N., Huss, S., Liedtke, C., Prinz, I., Lira, S. A., Luedde, T., Roskams, T., Trautwein, C., Heymann, F., Tacke, F. (2014): Chemokine receptor ccr6-dependent accumulation of gammadelta t cells in injured liver restricts hepatic inflammation and fibrosis.. Hepatology, 59(2), 630-642, [11.711]
- Borkham-Kamphorst E. , Schaffrath, C., van de Leur, E., Haas, U., Tihaa, L., Meurer, S. K., Nevzorova, Y. A., Liedtke, C., Weiskirchen, R. (2014): The anti-fibrotic effects of ccn1/cyr61 in primary portal myofibroblasts are mediated through induction of reactive oxygen species resulting in cellular senescence, apoptosis and attenuated tgf-beta signaling.. Biochim Biophys Acta, 1843(5), 902-914, [5.128]
- Chaudhary, K. (2013): Caspase 8 differentially controls hepatocytes and non-parenchymal liver cells during chronic cholestatic liver injury in mice.. Journal of Hepatology, 59 (6), 1292-1298, [10.590]
- Zimmermann H. W. , Mueller, J. R., Seidler, S., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2013): Frequency and Phenotype of Human Circulating and Intrahepatic Natural Killer Cell Subsets Is Differentially Regulated according to Stage of Chronic Liver Disease.. Digestion, 88 (1), 1-16, [1.884]
- Wehr, A. , Baeck, C., Heymann, F., Niemietz, P. M., Hammerich, L., Martin, C., Zimmermann, H. W., Pack, O., Gassler, N., Hittatiya, K., Ludwig, A., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2013): Chemokine Receptor CXCR6-Dependent Hepatic NK T Cell Accumulation Promotes Inflammation and Liver Fibrosis.. The Journal of Immunology, 190 (10), 5226-5236, [4.179]
- Labbus, K. , Henning, M., Borkham-Kamphorst, E., Geisler, C., Berger, T., Mak, T. W., Knuchel, R., Meyer, H. E., Weiskirchen, R., Henkel, C. (2013): Proteomic profiling in Lipocalin 2 deficient mice under normal and inflammatory conditions.. Journal of Proteomics, 78, 188-196, [3.867]
- Roderburg, C. , Luedde, M., Vargas Cardenas, D., Vucur, M., Mollnow, T., Zimmermann, H. W., Koch, A., Hellerbrand, C., Weiskirchen, R., Frey, N., Tacke, F., Trautwein, C., Luedde, T. (2013): miR-133a mediates TGF-ß-dependant derepression of collagen synthesis in hepatic stellate cells during liver fibrosis. Journal of Hepatology, 58 (4), 736-742, [10.590]
- Koch, A. , Weiskirchen, R., Kunze, J., Duckers, H., Bruensing, J., Buendgens, L., Matthes, M., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2013): Elevated asymmetric dimethylarginine levels predict short- and long-term mortality risk in critically ill patients.. Journal Critical Care, 28 (6), 947-953, [2.445]
- Koch, A. , Weiskirchen, R., Bruensing, J., Duckers, H., Buendgens, L., Kunze, J., Matthes, M., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2013): Regulation and prognostic relevance of symmetric dimethylarginine serum concentrations in critical illness and sepsis.. Mediators of Inflammation, 2013, [3.418]
- Koch, A. , Buendgens, L., Dückers, H., Bruensing, J., Matthes, M., Kunze, J., Lutz, H. H., Luedde, T., Tischendorf, J. J. W., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2013): Ursachen, patientenspezifische Risikofaktoren und prognostische Indikatoren bei akuter gastrointestinaler Blutung und intensivmedizinischer Therapieindikation. . Medizinische Klinik - Intensivmedizin und Notfallmedizin, 108, 214-222,
- Herbers, U. , Amini-Bavil-Olyaee, S., Mueller, A., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2013): Hepatitis B e antigen-suppressing mutations enhance the replication efficiency of adefovir-resistant hepatitis B virus strains. Journal of Viral Hepatology, 20 (2), 141-148, [4.179]
- Nevzorova, Y. A. , Hu, W., Cubero, F. J., Haas, U., Freimuth, J., Tacke, F., Trautwein, C., Liedtke, C. (2013): Overexpression of c-myc in hepatocytes promotes activation of hepatic stellate cells and facilitates the onset of liver fibrosis.. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 1832(10), 1765-75, [5.158]
- Sahin, H. , Borkham-Kamphorst, E., do, O. N., Berres, M. L., Kaldenbach, M., Schmitz, P., Weiskirchen, R., Liedtke, C., Streetz, K. L., Maedler, K., Trautwein, C., Wasmuth, H. E. (2013): Proapoptotic effects of the chemokine, CXCL 10 are mediated by the noncognate receptor TLR4 in hepatocytes.. Hepatology, 57 (2), 797-805, [11.711]
- Liedtke, C. , Luedde T, Sauerbruch T, Scholten D, Streetz K, Tacke F, Tolba R, Trautwein C, Trebicka J, Weiskirchen R. (2013): Experimental liver fibrosis research: Update on animal models, legal issues and translational aspects.. Fibrogenesis & Tissue Repair, 6(1), 19, [2.329]
- Cubero, F. J. , Singh, A., Borkham-Kamphorst, E., Nevzorova, Y. A., Al Masaoudi, M., Haas, U., Boekschoten, M. V., Gassler, N., Weiskirchen, R., Muller, M., Liedtke, C., Trautwein, C. (2013): Tnfr1 determines progression of chronic liver injury in the ikkgamma/nemo genetic model.. Cell Death & Differentiation, 20 (11), 1580-1592, [8.218]
- Hatting, M. , Zhao, G., Schumacher, F., Sellge, G., Al Masaoudi, M., Gabetaler, N., Boekschoten, M., Muller, M., Liedtke, C., Cubero, F. J., Trautwein, C. (2013): Hepatocyte caspase-8 is an essential modulator of steatohepatitis in rodents.. Hepatology, 57 (69, 2189-2201, [11.711]
- Zimmermann, H. W. , Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2012): Functional role of monocytes and macrophages for the inflammatory response in acute liver injury. Frontiers in Physiology, 3, 56, [4.031]
- Zimmermann, H. W. , Koch, A., Seidler, S., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2012): Circulating soluble urokinase plasminogen activator is elevated in patients with chronic liver disease, discriminates stage and aetiology of cirrhosis and predicts prognosis. Liver International, 32, 500-509, [4.470]
- Yagmur, E. , Koch, A., Haumann, M., Kramann, R., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2012): Hyaluronan serum concentrations are elevated in critically ill patients and associated with disease severity. Clinical Biochemistry, 45, 82-87, [2.382]
- Seidler, S. , Zimmermann, H. W., Weiskirchen, R., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2012): Elevated circulating soluble interleukin-2 receptor in patients with chronic liver diseases is associated with non-classical monocytes. BMC Gastroenterology, 12, 38, [2.101]
- Schneider, C. , Teufel, A., Yevsa, T., Staib, F., Hohmeyer, A., Walenda, G., Zimmermann, H. W., Vucur, M., Huss, S., Gassler, N., Wasmuth, H. E., Lira, S. A., Zender, L., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2012): Adaptive immunity suppresses formation and progression of diethylnitrosamine-induced liver cancer. Gut, 61(12), 1733-43, [14.921]
- Sahin, H. , Borkham-Kamphorst, E., Kuppe, C., Zaldivar, M. M., Grouls, C., Al-Samman, M., Nellen, A., Schmitz, P., Heinrichs, D., Berres, M. L., Doleschel, D., Scholten, D., Weiskirchen, R., Moeller, M. J., Kiessling, F., Trautwein, C., Wasmuth, H. E. (2012): Chemokine Cxcl9 attenuates liver fibrosis-associated angiogenesis in mice. Hepatology, 55 (5), 1610-1619, [11.711]
- Roderburg, C. , Mollnow, T., Bongaerts, B., Elfimova, N., Vargas Cardenas, D., Berger, K., Zimmermann, H., Koch, A., Vucur, M., Luedde, M., Hellerbrand, C., Odenthal, M., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F., Luedde, T. (2012): Micro-RNA profiling in human serum reveals compartment-specific roles of miR-571 and miR-652 in liver cirrhosis. PLoS One, 7 (3), e32999, [3.057]
- Koch, A. , Zimmermann, H. W., Baeck, C., Schneider, C., Yagmur, E., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2012): Serum NT-proCNP concentrations are elevated in patients with chronic liver diseases and associated with complications and unfavorable prognosis of cirrhosis. Clinical Biochemistry, 45, 429-435, [2.382]
- Kaldenbach, M. , Giebeler, A., Tschaharganeh, D. F., Erschfeld, S., Wasmuth, H. E., Dolle, L., Floege, J., Trautwein, C., Streetz, K. L. (2012): Hepatocyte growth factor/c-Met signalling is important for the selection of transplanted hepatocytes. Gut, 61 (8), 1209-1218, [14.921]
- Heymann, F. , Hammerich, L., Storch, D., Bartneck, M., Huss, S., Russeler, V., Gassler, N., Lira, S. A., Luedde, T., Trautwein, C., Tacke, F. (2012): Hepatic macrophage migration and differentiation critical for liver fibrosis is mediated by the chemokine receptor C-C motif chemokine receptor 8 in mice. Hepatology, 55 (3), 898-909, [11.711]
- Nevzorova, Y. A. , Bangen, J. M., Hu, W., Haas, U., Weiskirchen, R., Gassler, N., Huss, S., Tacke, F., Sicinski, P., Trautwein, C., Liedtke, C. (2012): Cyclin E1 controls proliferation of hepatic stellate cells and is essential for liver fibrogenesis in mice.. Hepatology, 56 (3), 1140-1149, [11.711]
- Neukam, K. , Nattermann, J., Rallon, N., Rivero, A., Caruz, A., Macias, J., Vogel, M., Benito, J., Camacho, A., Mira, J., Schwarze-Zander, C., Barreiro, P., Martinez, A., Rockstroh, J., Soriano, V., Pineda, J. (2011): Different distributions of hepatitis C virus genotypes among HIV-infected patients with acute and chronic hepatitis C according to interleukin-28B genotype. HIV Medicine, 12 (8), 487-493, [3.341]
- Tacke, F. , Zimmermann, H. W., Berres, M. L., Trautwein, C., Wasmuth, H. E. (2011): Serum chemokine receptor CXCR3 ligands are associated with progression, organ dysfunction and complications of chronic liver diseases. Liver International, 31 (6), 840-849, [4.470]
- Berres, M. L. , Trautwein, C., Schmeding, M., Eurich, D., Tacke, F., Bahra, M., Neuhaus, P., Neumann, U. P., Wasmuth, H. E. (2011): Serum chemokine CXC ligand 10 (CXCL10) predicts fibrosis progression after liver transplantation for hepatitis C infection. Hepatology, 53 (2), 596-603, [11.711]
- Tacke, F. , Kanig, N., En-Nia, A., Kaehne, T., Eberhardt, C. S., Shpacovitch, V., Trautwein, C., Mertens, P. R. (2011): Y-box protein-1/p18 fragment identifies malignancies in patients with chronic liver disease. BMC Cancer, 11, 185, [3.265]
- Scholten, D. , Al-samman, M., Sahin, H., Trautwein, C., Wasmuth, H. (2011): CXCR3 Ligands induce Expression of CXCL1 (KC/murine IL8 homolog). Mouse Hepatic Stellate Cells. Journal of Cell Science & Therapy, 5, 4, [4.706]
- Roderburg, C. , Urban, G. W., Bettermann, K., Vucur, M., Zimmermann, H., Schmidt, S., Janssen, J., Koppe, C., Knolle, P., Castoldi, M., Tacke, F., Trautwein, C., Luedde, T. (2011): Micro-RNA profiling reveals a role for miR-29 in human and murine liver fibrosis.. Hepatology, 53, 209-218, [11.711]
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